A Message from the President of MacDowell Community Council, Inc.:
As the New Year has began, it is natural to reflect, review, and move forward. The past has passed and now is the time for us to move forward by faith and take those actions today to help create a better tomorrow for ourself’s, family, and community. Everyday, all around us and within us there is new development. As we move forward as a team and community, Let “us” strive to take actions daily that will help to develop our group into a strong, unified, and exemplary organization. I am honored to be in this position and grateful for the members and officers of MCCI who believe in and support
Our group’s agenda for the new year.
2023 is currently being planned by the Board of Directors and we are excited and ready to begin implementing some wonderful ideas that will hopefully satisfy the needs and concerns of our great community. We invite you to become a member of MacDowell Community Council, make your voice heard about your community, attend our monthly meetings, and help to make the changes that you wish to see.
Our prayers and thoughts are for happiness, peace, safety,
growth and prosperity for each and every one of us individually and collectively.
Fred Brown-President
New International Version Mark 12:31
Love your neighbor as yourself
When are the monthly meeting 2021, I figure they will be by Zoom.
Monthly meetings for MacDowell Community Council are held at
MacDowell Preparatory Academy
4201 W Outer Dr. Detroit MI 48221
Every 2nd Saturday at 11am
I am reaching out to key community organizations on behalf of the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) to seek participation in a series of informational events regarding regional public transit. The RTA is working in partnership with the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority (AAATA), the Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT), the Detroit Transportation Corp. (DTC)/The People Mover, M1 Rail/QLine, and Suburban Mobility Regional Transportation Authority (SMART) on updating the 20-year Regional Master Transit Plan (RMTP) in 2021. The plan will include transit and mobility advancements in Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Counties.
As members of the community, your perspectives are valued. To obtain the community’s feedback, we are hosting a series of informal virtual listening sessions. At these sessions, a facilitator will lead the group into a discussion about their suggestions to create a viable master transit plan that would provide regional mobility benefits as seen in other cities such as Chicago, New York, Washington DC etc.
The members within your network would be ideal participants as these plans and changes affect them! The sessions generally are no more than an hour in length and are recorded to ensure that no feedback is missed.
As a resident of Southeast Michigan, I often marvel while in other cities, at the convenience that their mass transit systems provides and think to myself or out loud, “I wish we had this back at home.” These listening sessions would allow you to have a voice and say this is what is important, and this is what I’d like to see. It will take the community’s help to build a plan that will work for the community.
With that, would your organization be open to posting the information regarding the listening session that correlates with your respective county on your public community calendar or even an event announcement on your web page?
If you think your group would be interested in sharing this information, I can surely send over all related details!
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We have been busy transforming our community and apologize
for not responding sooner!
However, this is such a hot button issue
Please feel free to reach out to me personally, the need is still great concerning this issue.
Thank you
In Service,
MCCI President
Fred Brown
(313) 217-1009
Please use “Mendota” entrance TODAY
We apologize for the late notice
Thank you