Focusing on Safety
Saturday, February 9, 2019 12p.m.-1.p.m.
I. Welcome and Introductions VP Brown
II. Security Systems Dr. Richard James
III. Update, Q&A NPO Crowder
IV. Radio Patrol Charles Harvey
V. Adjournment VP McNear
Focusing on Safety
Saturday, February 9, 2019 12p.m.-1.p.m.
I. Welcome and Introductions VP Brown
II. Security Systems Dr. Richard James
III. Update, Q&A NPO Crowder
IV. Radio Patrol Charles Harvey
V. Adjournment VP McNear
An overview of MacDowell Community Council Inc’s (MCCI) meeting:
On Saturday, January 12th, MCCI’s first meeting of the new year had informative presentations by Wayne County Treasurer Eric Sabree, contractor Terrence Hicks (pictured below) with Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept. and Mrs. Laura O’Neal, the president of WIG Block Club.
Following are a few notes and numbers of importance from presentations:
Step Forward Michigan(866) 946-4732. State program that provides interest free forgivable loans to pay past due taxes or mortgage payments.
Michigan Veterans Trust Fund, Wayne County Office(313) 224-5045. If you are a veteran with at least 6 months of wartime duty, you may qualify for financial assistance.
Wayne County Veteran Affairs (Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund)(313) 224-5045. If you are a veteran with any wartime service and an honorable discharge, you may qualify.
If you owe and are trying to pay years of overdue property taxes, you may qualify to be enrolled in the Interest Reduction Stipulated Payment Agreement (IRSPA). This payment plan reduces the interest rate from 18% to 6% for eligible taxpayers. To sign up, you must own and live in your home, and have a Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) that proves permanent residency.Under IRSPA, all delinquencies can be bundled into one payment plan. IRSPA enrollment expires June 30th, 2019.IRSPA. Please call Wayne County Treasurer’s office for more information at (313)224-5990.
The city is changing how it charges you for drainage. Until now, most households have been charged a flat drainage fee of $20.63 per month. This has been the case whether the property was large or small and whether the lot was covered mostly with grass or with hard (impervious) surfaces like roofs and concrete driveways.
For full details and more information, please click on following link to Drainage Charge/City of Detroit:
Vice Presidents David McNear and Fred Brown facilitated an excellent meeting for MCCI. Other announcements were the collection of member’s dues are $10 quarterly. Due dates in 2019 are Feb. 9, May 11, August 10 and November 9. Snow removal efforts are still under way. Step Forward Michigan program also known as Michigan’s Hardest Hit Fund® loan program applications can be found at Northwest Activities Center on the lower level or call 866-946-7432 for more info.
MCCI meetings are held every second Saturday of each month at 11000 W. McNichols, Detroit MI 48221 (D2 Councilman McAlister’s District Office) starting at 12noon. Meetings are open to everyone.
Please join our Facebook group by clicking on the link above. Please continue to support your neighborhood block clubs and organizations by attending meetings, creating block clubs, becoming a block captain and by contributions and donations. Thank you and Happy New Year!
Have you made your new year resolution yet? Whatever you resolve to do in 2019, write it on paper and keep that paper somewhere you will see it throughout the year. Try your best to take action every day that will help you move toward your new year resolution. Sometimes, the hardest part about doing something different or something new is getting started. Taking that first step is usually the difficulty for me. However, once I start I get excited and it becomes easier by the day to take action. It is also important to not become discouraged by the hesitation of taking action toward your resolution. All things in its time, right? The important thing is you want to do something and you can do it. You just have to take that first step. What action will you take today to make your tomorrow a better day?
MacDowell Community Council
November Monthly Meeting
November 10, 2018
D2 City Councilman McCalister District Office
11000 W. McNichols Road (LL), Detroit, MI 48221
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Major Items Of Discussion:
Phasellus vitae purus ut quam aliquet egestas id eu eros. Etiam et elit a quam semper iaculis. Nullam vel mauris tellus, vel fermentum nibh. Mauris vehicula massa fringilla ante aliquam ut imperdiet neque pellentesque. Nam magna urna, auctor ullamcorper tincidunt vel, lacinia ornare est. Sed condimentum, lacus id ultrices tempor, ante mauris cursus leo, in adipiscing nibh tortor vitae nisl. Phasellus vel quam sit amet lectus imperdiet ultricies. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam eget mi ipsum, ut hendrerit metus. Pellentesque sagittis nunc placerat ipsum fermentum suscipit. Etiam ultrices est eu nulla hendrerit interdum. Vivamus sit amet cursus dui. Nunc vulputate, lectus sit amet sagittis rutrum, ante metus egestas nisi, at malesuada dui mauris a risus.
Phasellus vitae purus ut quam aliquet egestas id eu eros. Etiam et elit a quam semper iaculis. Nullam vel mauris tellus, vel fermentum nibh. Mauris vehicula massa fringilla ante aliquam ut imperdiet neque pellentesque. Nam magna urna, auctor ullamcorper tincidunt vel, lacinia ornare est. Sed condimentum, lacus id ultrices tempor, ante mauris cursus leo, in adipiscing nibh tortor vitae nisl. Phasellus vel quam sit amet lectus imperdiet ultricies. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam eget mi ipsum, ut hendrerit metus. Pellentesque sagittis nunc placerat ipsum fermentum suscipit. Etiam ultrices est eu nulla hendrerit interdum. Vivamus sit amet cursus dui. Nunc vulputate, lectus sit amet sagittis rutrum, ante metus egestas nisi, at malesuada dui mauris a risus.
July 14,2012
The meeting of the M. C. C. was called to order by President Harvey.
Invocation by Mr. Torbert
The minutes from the June 9, 2012 meeting were read and approved as read.
Our web site has been established and Ms. Carol Lawson is our provider.
Why we needed to established a Web Site and apply for 501 c 3 non-profit
1. To be eligible to apply for grants from The City and State
2. To eligible to apply for grants from Foundations
If you need to engrave any of your personal property- the kit is available
from Mr. Harvey.
Mrs. Kim Brown and Mr. Vernon Woods are co-chairs for the Van Antwerp
park clean-up, the will notify us when the have set a date and time.
We are to invite Inspector Terry or Sgt. Bledso to our meeting where they
can be aware of what we are doing and they can share with us what steps
they can to take to insure our safety when using the park.
Radio Patrol why is it important for our community, to protect our homes,
our residents and the businesses in our community. Safety is number One!
Members of the Neighborhood Patrol are asked to please notify the
PresidentJVice President when you cannot fulfill your commitment.
Charlene Torbert, Secretary
Charles Harvey, President
When our 501 c 3 status is confirmed we could get a grant for cameras on
the street an other quality of life issues for our neighborhood.
On Saturday, June 16th Ms. Carol Lawson will meet with the group and
establish a Web Site for our Community Group.
Dues collected $35.00
We are to establish a clean-up date for Van Antwerp Park.
Charlene Torbert, Secretary
Charles Harvey, President