July Meeting Notes

July 14,2012

The meeting of the M. C. C. was called to order by President Harvey.

Invocation by Mr. Torbert

The minutes from the June 9, 2012 meeting were read and approved as read.

Our web site has been established and Ms. Carol Lawson is our provider.

Why we needed to established a Web Site and apply for 501 c 3 non-profit

1. To be eligible to apply for grants from The City and State

2. To eligible to apply for grants from Foundations

If you need to engrave any of your personal property- the kit is available
from Mr. Harvey.

Mrs. Kim Brown and Mr. Vernon Woods are co-chairs for the Van Antwerp
park clean-up, the will notify us when the have set a date and time.

We are to invite Inspector Terry or Sgt. Bledso to our meeting where they
can be aware of what we are doing and they can share with us what steps
they can to take to insure our safety when using the park.

Radio Patrol why is it important for our community, to protect our homes,
our residents and the businesses in our community. Safety is number One!
Members of the Neighborhood Patrol are asked to please notify the
PresidentJVice President when you cannot fulfill your commitment.


Charlene Torbert, Secretary

Charles Harvey, President

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